Author: GameMasters

Godzilla (2014) – a Movie Review

Godzilla (2014) – a Movie Review Is Godzilla a monster? Think about that for a moment. The character has been around for a long time. Godzilla is more than a pop-cultural icon, he is a global icon. He even has a star in Hollywood! So with that in mind, would you make a movie in…
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March 15, 2014 0

Back in 2010 I made a post on How to Teleport and Time Travel. In that article I was convinced that one did not have to have a device in order to make this happen. Today, however, I am happy to say that one can achieve the task of teleporting and travelling through time both…
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January 1, 2014 0

Disney’s Frozen – A Review

It’s been a few months since I’ve found myself in a movie theatre.  This time of year gets to be very busy for me, however, today we decided to un-busy ourselves and hit our local movie theatre. Popcorn in hand, we made our way to be entertained. Today’s movie:  Disney’s Frozen. Based very loosely on…
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December 1, 2013 0

Star Trek Into Darkness Blu-Ray Review

Star Trek Into Darkness Blu-Ray Review I’m a Trekkie.  Does that surprise anyone?  When the first J.J. Abrams Star Trek came out in 2009, I saw it first day.  When Star Trek Into Darkness came out, again I was there first day.  Yeah, I already knew it’s “big secret” but I didn’t care.  I was…
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September 11, 2013 0

Now You See Me – A Review

Magic.  That’s not exactly what this movie is all about, but yet, it is.  It’s all about misdirection.  It’s a mystery; a real whodunit. I realize that Now You See Me has been out for a couple of week, but it’s one that I’ve been meaning to watch.  I went to visit my friends up…
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June 22, 2013 0

World War Z – A Review

Hi.  My name is Octavia and I like zombies. I also run some of the biggest zombie websites in the world.  Well, okay, maybe not the biggest, but they do have their place on the web.  You may have heard of a couple of them; and ?  No?  Well.. crap.  That’s okay, I’m…
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June 21, 2013 0

Sup.. er.. Man Of Steel – My Private Thoughts

Does Man of Steel really need a review?  Nah, so I’m not going to bore you with how fun it is; just go see it. Instead, I want to blather on for a moment about Hope, I want to share with you a couple of my private thoughts (if you care). I would think that…
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June 13, 2013 0

This is the End – A Review

First off… This is an ADULT film with ADULT humor (and most of it is vulgar).  It’s not one for the kids regardless of how many times they say that Hiccup is in it. It’s not one for those easily offended.  This Is The End features an all-star comedy cast; James Franco, Seth Rogan, Jay…
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June 12, 2013 0

Xbox One: Uhm.. Er.. Huh?

The word around the internet can have a big impact on business.  From Twitter to Facebook, that word is the voice of the consumer.  If someone makes a product and said consumer is not happy with it; then you can bet that company is going to receive much negative flak. I really don’t think that’s…
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May 22, 2013 0

Star Trek Into Darkness: A Review

Star Trek Into Darkness: A Review Sometimes an escape is needed.  For me, sitting in a dark cool movie theater will almost always provide the perfect escape.  The movie does not have to be great to provide that escape but if it is, man.. that’s just magic. Today’s escape finds me at my local movie…
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May 16, 2013 0