Hearthstone : How to defeat Garr

I really didn’t want to rip apart a deck to try this battle so I picked my simple Priest Deck.
Nothing was changed out for this fight against Garr.
Some cards might be better left out with others added in, I just made a deck with what I had.
Two Mass Dispel cards would be great, but as it is, I only have 1…

Priest Deck

Holy Smite x2
Mind Vision x2
Shieldbearer x2
Shadow Word: Pain x2
Mana Wraith
Shadow Word: Death x2
Thoughtsteel x2
Mind Control Tech x2
Mass Displess
Shadow Madness
Holy Nova
Faceless Manipulator
Holy Fire x2
Cabal Shadow Priest
Sunwalker x2
Sylvanas Windrunner
Ragnaros the Firelord
Mind Control x2

