WOAH! Snow Golem Stats for Dungeons and Dragons ! WOW! 3,000 Subs Strong! Thank You!

3,000 subscribers snuck up on me! As our thanks to you we are giving away a free Snow Golem stat block for Dungeons and Dragons! We wouldn’t be here without you guys giving us support! Game on! This is a stat block that I’ve created up for use in my own campaign world, and to grab your copy you can get it here:
Tyranny of Dragons : https://amzn.to/3W629ew
Dragonlance 5E : https://amzn.to/3E0G0rk
Dragonlance 5E Collector Version : https://amzn.to/3TdUVm9
Dragonlance 5E Board Game : https://amzn.to/3NEfcQH
What do you think happens to the Snow Golem in the summer?