Author: GameMasters

Xbox One: Uhm.. Er.. Huh?

The word around the internet can have a big impact on business.  From Twitter to Facebook, that word is the voice of the consumer.  If someone makes a product and said consumer is not happy with it; then you can bet that company is going to receive much negative flak. I really don’t think that’s…
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May 22, 2013 0

Star Trek Into Darkness: A Review

Star Trek Into Darkness: A Review Sometimes an escape is needed.  For me, sitting in a dark cool movie theater will almost always provide the perfect escape.  The movie does not have to be great to provide that escape but if it is, man.. that’s just magic. Today’s escape finds me at my local movie…
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May 16, 2013 0


I’ve always been a fan of miniatures. We used to buy the Ral Partha minis waaay back in the day and use them to represent our AD&D characters. We never thought of building terrain to help visualize our game campaigns, and we certainly never thought about building a game totally around the minis themselves. That all changed for me…
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February 4, 2013 0

Official Magic the Gathering App

Written by Monty Ashley on Thursday, January 5th, 2012. If you have an iPhone, an iPad, or an Android device, we have exciting news for you. Say hello to Magic: The Gathering Toolbox, the only official Magic: The Gathering app. And it’s FREE! Magic: The Gathering Toolbox is more than a life counter. It also lets…
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January 7, 2012 0

Rubber – Review of a Tire Movie

Rubber is not for everyone. I first found out about it less than a week ago. The idea is simple enough, a tire wakes up in the middle of a desert to discover it has telepathic abilities and can kill using those abilities. Yes, you read that correctly, a tire. From a car. It doesn’t…
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July 6, 2011 0

How to Teleport and Time Travel

Last night the key was revealed to me on how to Teleport and to an extent on how to travel through Time. Allow me to preface this with the following: Back in 1991 a friend of mine and I were playing a game on the computer (possibly Bard’s Tale or Ultima 5) and our conversation…
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June 18, 2010 1

Return to Norrath Day 3

March 14, 2009. Day 3. Okay, what did I do today..  I discovered that players can have their own NPC “traders” where they sell their goodies.  The problem, there is nothing to keep the item’s worth in check.  I found a Firebrand sword (i think that’s what it was called) on one trader for 30K…
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March 14, 2009 0

Return to Norrath Day 2

March 13th, 2009.  Day 2. After 3 days they (Sony)  finally restored my character because the previous server I was on (Stormhammer) no longer existed.  I called them and at first they were wanting to charge me $50.00 a character to transfer.  I argued that there was no way I was going to pay 200…
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March 13, 2009 0

Return to Norrath Day 1

March 10th, 2009.  Day 1.   Years ago, before World of Warcraft, before Star Wars Galaxies, and a little at the same time of Ultima Online and Kingdom of Drakkar, I played a game that many used to call EverCrack.  Yes, I speak of EverQuest.  I think I started to play it in 1999, shortly…
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March 10, 2009 0

Magic Dice

Dice…  The core item of almost every game out there, and most certainly the most important element to any Dungeons and Dragons game.  Be they magic or be they cursed?  We’ve all had critical fumbles, fantastic critical strikes, and hundreds of reflex checks.  I’m obsessed with my dice.  Not that I do dirty things with…
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February 7, 2009 0