Tourist! Year 1 – book by artist T. Kyle Gentry

Tourist! Year 1 – book by T. Kyle Gentry.
What is it and do you want something cool and free?
It’s going to be a hardcover book in which this famous artist has crafted his skill to present some of the wacky and downright bizarre nature of random tourists that dwell within the various Orlando area theme parks.
Sounds like one of those guys that does those caricatures, and what’s this thing about cool and free?
No! caricatures are generally a likeness of a specific person. How better can I put this.. hmm…
OH! Okay, when an animation company makes a movie (think of any of the various Disney, Pixar, Warner Brothers, etc companies that have compelling animated characters), they draw on inspiration from real people. THAT is what Kyle has done here. He has captured and created characters, in the form of tourists, and plugged them into this soon to be printed book. As for the cool and the free… I’ll explain that in a moment…
Here, let him tell you exactly what Tourist! Year 1 is:
Yes, this is a Kickstarter campaign! GameMasters LOVES Kickstarter, and we certainly LOVE this particular campaign.
A looong time ago, I ask Kyle to do some artwork for me for this very site, Bob the Dragon was born. If you search around this website, you may very well run into him (Bob that is). Kyle has also done some illustrations for a couple of my zombie websites too. He and I go waay back.. to about the 10th grade.. all the way back to the late 80’s if my math is correct.
Basically it breaks down like this:
Go check out his Kickstarter Campaign for Tourst! Year 1 and help make it a success. I mean c’mon, with a title like that, you know he is going to have ideas for Year 2 and Year 3 and so on!
Cool and Free:
Okay, here it is, here is my contribution…
The Cool:
Back in highschool, Kyle and I, had several adventures. Want to know some of those details? I’ll share a couple but only AFTER his Kickstarter Campaign of Tourist! Year 1 is a success. I’ll add those adventures to the comments of this post. Trust me.. not even a handfull of people know what I know…(don’t kill me Kyle!)
The Free:
I have a signed copy of Aliens & Outlaws (Kyle’s first book) that will be given away to one of people who have liked our GameMasters Facebook Page or to one of my GameMasters Twitter followers. So you have 3 chances to get this book for free (well.. more if you go and help Kyle on his Kickstarter of Tourist! Year 1). As with The Cool from above, this book will be given away AFTER his Kickstarter Campaign of Tourist! Year 1 is a success.
Check it out and pledge what you can! I am!