Author: GameMasters

Old Games Find a New Home

I’m working on a deal with another game store in which will be donating a fair amount of games. Why?  Well, for one, they are old out of print games (some even made by companies that no longer exist), for two is a major supporter of the smaller local game shops.  I don’t…
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January 13, 2009 0

New for 2009

Oh yes, GameMasters is back and with a vengeance! 2009 boasts to be a big year for both and for gamers alike! We’ve got boxes and boxes of old games and guides to sift through, and the majority will be listed in our  online store  for $7.00 or LESS!  Forgotten Realms Box Sets  =…
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January 5, 2009 0

Status of

I know I’ve been neglecting for the past few months.  My time has been consumed by .  Seriously, it’s infected my like a virus.  I’ve had such positive feedback from it from everyone that has stopped by to check it out. What is ? Put simply, it is a website that sells Horror related…
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July 24, 2008 0

Reel World Games and Hobbies

With the close of the GameMasters LLC Retail Store, there have been quite a few displaced gamers. Well, if you are in or around the area of where the old GM store was; Reel World is just a short drive further down the rode! Roger L Kolikas is the owner of this store. It started…
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August 21, 2002 0

Crazy Stuff!

Here we are Blasting away! Some of you might note that we have a new Forum listed. For those of you interested in Video Game Cheats please go to our Forums and register! Then send me an email  telling me what your registered forum name is and I’ll get you hooked up so you…
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June 9, 2002 0

Star Wars Episode 2 Countdown!

Ah, yes. Yoda. The Countdown has begun! Are you getting ready for May 21st 2002? If so, come by GameMasters and ask what Flisk and his wife Sonja are going to have set up at the theater for all the campers! WOW! November is upon us already! That means a tremendous amount of new games!…
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April 6, 2002 0

Games Workshop

The Games Workshop Wall keeps getting bigger and bigger! We have tons of demos going on; everything! 40K, Fantasy, Warmaster, Epic 40K, Battle Fleet Gothic, and more! Oh yeah, we also have demos of the new Inquisitor! I suppose I should also mention that we have a fantastic Blood Bowl League going on too! And…
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June 28, 2001 0

Super News!

ATTENTION Games Workshop Fans! Be sure to look at the calendar for the first weekend in June! We are doing a 40K Tournament for a pre-release for the new GW game INQUISITOR! ATTENTION Magic the Gathering Fans! Be sure to check out our calendar on June 2nd for the MINI-PRE-RELEASE TOURNEY FOR THE NEW EXPANSION…
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May 15, 2001 0

Welcome Gamers!

  We’re thrilled to have you! This here is our fragment of joy and happiness brought to you via the web to answer some of your gaming questions, fulfill some of your gaming needs, desires, and wants, and enhance the world, your world, of games! Please take the time to browse through each of the…
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June 16, 1999 0

Happy Valentines Day!

GameMasters is a full service, full line gaming supply store. We carry all the best games that you are looking for at the best prices around.  We handle Magic the Gathering, Star Trek,  Star Wars, Rage,  Guardians, Doom Trooper,  Shadowfist, The Crow, D & D, Battletech, Warhammer 40,000 and many, many more!  We also sell…
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February 12, 1996 0